STCW Amendments


1. New definition added for High voltage- AC or DC in excess of 1000V

2. Including capacity of Electro technical officer in Operational level

3. New mandatory requirement for masters and deck officer on working in Polar water as per polar code Ice conditon.

4. New mandatory training requirement for ship as per IGF code: Basic training as per IGF code: All personnel with safety duties with respect to use, care and emergency need to have basic COP, shall complete approved course and no seagoing service required Advanced training as per IGF code: Master, engine officers and all personnel with immediate duties to use, care and emergency duties shall hold an approved Advanced COP, he shall complete an advanced training course and 1 month seagoing service, which includes 3 bunkering operation which can be replaced by simulator training. And both holding COP to refresh course every 5 years

5. III code inserted in STCW convention in Jan 2014 in Chapter 1.

6. STCW 2010 Amendments: -

  • Mandatory training for ECDIS for navigational officer and Engine officer for pollution prevention 
  • Leadership and teamwork added in course for engine and deck officer
  • Training record book mandatory for trainees -Mandatory security training: SSO course for SSO and basic training for all crew.
  • Refresher training every 5 years
  • New comprehensive training for Tanker -New extensive training requirement for AB and AB engine
  • Additional medical standards -Limit for BAC( 0.05% in Blood alcohol level or 0.25mg/l in breath)
  • New work rest hour requirement. 

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