2nd Mate Cargo

Cargo Paper-2ND Mates

Below are few topics of cargo which has COMES many a times in MMD Exams and should be revised before attempting for MMD PAPER from 2021-2023.

Please note below topics are not Recommendation for exams 

Tanker numerical

Safety Factor or Stowage Plan numerical

Tanker question

  1. What is Inert Gas and  inert gas system
  2. Static accumulation and its precaution
  3. MSDS
  4. Ship Shore safety checklist
  5. Cargo tank routine inspection
  6. Zero calibration and span adjustment of explosive meter
  7. Deck seal and its type
  8. Crude oil washing- Purpose, Precaution, advantage and disadvantage during cargo operations 
  9. Various methods of venting on tanker
  10. Short notes on PV valve and PV breaker (construction and working).
  11. Flammability diagram and explain rescue and procedures for Inerting of cargo tank.
  12. Centrifugal pump.
  13. Write short notes on Tank scope, explosive meter, oxygen analyzer, multi gas detector, slop tank, Rob, Load on top
  14. Short notes on different cargo pipeline on tanker and their advantage  and disadvantages.
  15. Short notes on ring main system
  16. Entry checklist for tank inspection
  17. Procedure for entering into cargo tank after discharging of crude oil
  18. sketch and describe general arrangement of oil tanker showing location of cargo tanks, slop tank, cofferdam, pump room etc. 

Gas Tanker

  1. Methods to control vapour space pressure in gas tanker
  2. Different types of tanks on gas tanker
  3. Hazards of gas cargoes (LPG and LNG)
  4. Loading and discharging precautions of LPG with respect to IGC code
  5. Carriage precautions
  6. Pumping arrangement on gas tanker
  7. Aim and purpose of IGC code
  8. Types of gas tanker
  9. Different liquification method and reliquification method
  10. Types of LPG Carriers types of cargo tanks most suitable for LNG cargo.

Chemical Tanker 

  1. Hazards of chemical cargo
  2. Type and Definition of chemical cargo
  3. Tank cleaning
  4. Discuss pre wash, tank cleaning and disposal procedure in context of P&M manual
  5. SMPEP manual 
  6. Certificate of Fitness

Enhance survey program

  1. what is the need, procedure, planning, documentation and reporting as per ESP 
  2. Which vessel are required to opt this survey
  3. Explain the purpose of Enhance survey program CAS and CAP. How it will help in detecting and rectifying damage within cargo hold.

Timber Deck cargo

  1. Factors to be considered prior loading deck cargo 
  2. State the recommendation for stowage, lashing and securing of Timber deck cargo as set out in code of safe practices.
  3. List the equipment's used for securing Timber cargo on Deck
  4. Hazards of timber deck cargo and why hazards are not present if same cargo is loaded inside ship hold
  5. what is timber deck cargo preparation before loading, lashing requirement, hazards associated for storage, lashing, securing and
  6. stability criteria for loading Timber cargo.

Car Carrier

  1. Precautions to be taken when securing cars on Deck
  2. list the equipment's used for securing cars on Deck
  3. How will you prepare car deck for loading of trailer and vehicles .

 BLU code

  1. what is the principle and procedure to be followed between Ship and Shore Terminal prior to cargo handling
  2. Information exchange required as per BLU code between Ship and Shore Terminal  on handy size bulk carrier upon arrival at load port.
  3. Different types of slings used for cargo handling
  4. How IMSBC and BLU code assist mariners.


  1. Cause of corrosion in ballast and cargo tank
  2. Type of corrosion and how to take care of it.

RORO ships

  1. Procedure and precautions for operating, closing and securing of Bow door
  2. How Hatch  cover watertight/ weather tightness is maintained
  3. Care and Maintenance requirement for water tight integrity of Bow door, stern door and side door care.
  4. Importance of Maintenance  for water tight integrity of Bow door

Damage report

  1. Purpose of damage report
  2. How, when, why to make damage report
  3. Discharging heavy lifts items in the whole to be checked and Damage was found, make damage report
  4. Cargo gear inspection has to carry out for cranes. 
  5.  Periodical Inspection and load testing of cargo gear and its frequency
  6. Precautions to load a heavy deck cargo and actions to be taken in case of blackout in during such work.
  7. After discharging, damage found in hold, make a damage report.
  8. Care and maintenance of topping lift, cargo runners and cargo blocks
  9. Precautions to be observed before loading heavy lifts using ships gear
  10. Heavy duty vehicle to be on Deck (hazards associated and precautions to be taken).
  11. Benefits of dunnage for stowing various  cargoes on deck and inside hold.

Chain register

  1. What is Chain register  and entries to be made in Part 1 2 3 of Chain register.
  2. Importance and information should be available for testing an examination of cargo gear, derrick or crane.
  3. Describe Competent Person, competent authority, responsible person
  4. when you will condemned a wire
  5. Different types of slings used for cargo handling.

Dock safety act

  1. Explain the testing frequency of lifting appliances
  2. As per Dock labour act, define dangerous cargo, lifting appliances
  3. State provision with respect to Access to ship
  4. State provision with respect to initial testing of lifting gear
  5. State provision with respect to Chain register
  6. State provision with respect to Annual thorough examination of lifting gear
  7. Check and Precautions to be taken prior putting a cargo gear of lifting heavy lift
  8. How does heavy lift cargoes affects stability of ship and Sea worthiness of ship.
  9. Write short note on dock safety regulation.

Cargo Securing Manual

  1. write short notes on cargo securing manual and its content.

Short Notes on 

  1. Cargo and ship sweat
  2. Stowage factor and load density
  3. Broken stowage
  4. TML and FMP
  5. SWL and Proof load
  6. Permissible load density of deck and its unit
  7. Cargo manifest
  8. Document of compliance.
  9. Purpose and use of dunnage.
  10. Measurement cargo and DWT cargo

Refrigerator cargo 

  1. Preparation for loaded refrigerator cargo 
  2. What is the difference between frozen, chilled and cold cargo
  3. Precautions before and during loading of refrigerated cargo
  4. Things to keep in mind if Reefer hold ready for loading on deck.
  5. write short note on preparation of Hold, inspection of cargo, purpose of temperature recording, brine trap.

Container ships 

  1. How location of container is designated on a container ship by suitable  sketch.
  2. Factors must be born in mind for making a bay plan of container ship
  3. Write short notes on tare weight, stack height and out of gauges container.
  4. Purpose of check digit of container seal number
  5. Explain stake weight
  6. What is bay plan.
  7. Sketch and explain the principal of Bay Row Tier.
  8. sketch and describe general purpose, Open top, flat rack  and tanks container.
  9. Type, size, material  of construction, usage and Marking of container
  10. Sketch and describe securing arrangement of container
  11. How you will lash a container on Deck
  12. Sketch and show marking on CSC plate
  13. Container number
  14. Draw a bay plan and explain the following 1) 100084   2) 090606 
  15. Advantage of containerization over traditional break bulk method of loading.
  16. Short notes on twist lock and bridge fitting for container securing.
  17. Sketch and describe the securing and lashing arrangement of 2tier of container on a hatch top of a container vessel.


  1. Write short on dangerous cargo manifest, Shipper declaration.
  2. Action should be taken in case of incident
  3. Write short on packing, marking, labelling, placarding requirements of dangerous goods
  4. Aim of IMDG code
  5. Location of dangerous cargo as per code for shipping dangerous goods
  6. Write short notes on UN number, segregation, away from, stowage, EMS, MFAG, segregation by complete compartment or Hold, separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment, subsidiary risk .
  7. Purpose of segregation table and list out terms
  8. Precautions to be taken when loading explosives
  9. Information available in IMDG code
  10. Reference to IMDG code, what information is provided in part 3.

Bulk Carrier (grain code + IMSBC Code)

  1. Preparation for carriage of bag rice and precautions you will observe during and after loading
  2. Ship has loaded rice from  UK in winters and is going to Kenya, how the ventilation to be carried out for cargo during passage.
  3. How you will secure a container on hatch cover of a general cargo ship with sketch.
  4. define angle of repose and draw its neat labelled sketch
  5. Document of authorization and conditions fulfilled with loading grain without DOA
  6. Write short notes on bonding Sauce ring, bunding, shoring, strapping and lashing, side batterns
  7. How healing moments are reduced when loading grain in bulk preparation of cargo Hold 
  8. Precautions should be taken when loading grain in bulk and hazard associated with carriage of grain.
  9. what precautions to be taken when loading heavy density cargo in bulk
  10. Ship Last cargo was iron ore and next cargo is fertilizer, how you will prepare the hold.
  11. what are the hazards of fertilizer cargo in bulk
  12. Precautions to be taken when loading and carriage of fertilizer cargo in bulk


  1. Hazards of coal cargo and precautions when loading, during loading and during carriage of bulk coal cargo
  2. Hazards of sulphur cargo and precautions when loading, during loading and during carriage of  Sulphur cargo
  3. what precautions to be taken during its carriage precautions when loading explosives on board
  4. Various hazards associated with zinc cargo and precaution to be followed while loading zinc concentrate.
  5. Hazard associated with carriage of concentrate and how these are overcome on board a General cargo ship.
  6. what precautions to be taken when loading heavy density cargo in bulk
  7. objective of imsbc code
  8. Guidelines given in IMSBC code regarding loading of bulk cargoes
  9. what are the hazard associated of carriage of solid bulk cargoes
  10. Short notes on angle of repose, flow moisture point, liquification and transportable moisture limit.
  11. How should a how should can test be done
  12. How IMSBC and BLU code assist mariners.

Code of safe practice for cargo storage and securing 

  1. Principal and purpose
  2. How securing of a locomotive on a multipurpose ship will be done.

Consolidated 2nd stability-and-construction-paper ( click here)

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