2nd stability and construction paper

Ship Construction, Stability, Ship Safety and Environment -2ND Mates

Below are few topics of Ship Construction, Stability, Ship Safety and Environment -2ND Mates which has COMES many a times in MMD Exams and should be revised before attempting for MMD PAPER from 2020-2023.

Please note below topics are not Recommendation for exams
M.T Hind ship numerical

Stability numerical

Construction Question

  1. Different types of rudder
  2. Sketch and label the structural arrangements in the forward end of ship showing the chain locker and fore peak tank (Painting and pounding).
  3. Stern tube water cooled
  4. Longitudinal framed Bulk carrier
  5. Compositely framed cargo ship.
  6. Describe various type of farming system.
  7. Longitudinal framed Double bottom tank Bulk carrier
  8. Double bottom tank  and its use.
  9. Ttransverse section (bulk carrier, double hull oil tanker, container)
  10. Midship section of compositely framed bulk carrier with Hopper Tanks. What is self trimming hold.
  11. Midship section of OBO carrier, describe salient features.
  12. Sketch and describe the arrangements for water tightness of large hatch cover.
  13. Sketch and label hatch corner, showing various strengthening arrangements.
  14. Various stresses experienced by a ship and structural member which compensate for same.
  15. Draw a labelled diagram of the transom floor showing connections to the stern frame. (Sometime with semi-balanced rudder).
  16. Ballast and Bilge piping diagram.
  17. Neatly sketch and label access opening for cargo tank on  an oil tanker. (Illustrate their purpose and salient features).

Stability theory

  1. Angle of loll and how to correct
  2. Draw Loadline of ship
  3. Freshwater allowance
  4. TPC 
  5. Load displacement
  6. Reserve Buoyancy.
  7. Draw the starboard side Loadline of cargo vessel with following particular : Summer draft: 7.2 m, Summer displacement: 18000T, TPC: 7.2m, draft: 20m. Describe the dimensions and distance between various Loadline.

Marpol questions 

  1. Purpose and Content of Marpol (click here)
  2. Special area as per Marpol 73/78 (click here)
  3. Define oil.
  4. Annex 1 Discharge criteria (click here)
  5. Content of SOPEP (Marpol annex 1 video click here)
  6. Entries in ORB part 1 and part 2  (click here)
  7. Define PSSA and name it.
  8. Objective of MARPOL annex 2
  9. Annex 2 Discharge criteria- X, Y, Z and other substance, E/R Bilge water
  10. Category of NLS
  11. SMPEP
  12. Cargo record book
  13. Special area Definition
  14. Definition of Sewage.
  15. Sewage treatment plant block diagram and content.
  16. Garbage management plan and its content. (click here)
  17. Garbage category (click here) (video)
  18. Garbage Record Book (click here)
  19. Discharge criteria of Annex 5
  20. ECA area (SOX/ PM Special area)(Nox Special area)
  21. Annex 6 discharge criteria (SOX/ PM Special area)(Nox Special area)
  22. Various Proactive measures to be taken to protect marine environment.
  23. VRP

Ballast water management

  1. Ballast water management plan (click here)
  2. Safety measures required during ballast exchange.
  3. Why and where do you change water as per Ballast water management
  4. Different ballast exchange method as per Ballast water management
  5. What are D1 and D2 standards .


  1. Merchant shipping act
  2. Loadline zones

Draw, Define and Purpose (as applicable)

  1. LBP
  2. Margin line
  3. Freeboard
  4. Camber
  5. Shear
  6. Rise of floor
  7. Rake of stem
  8. Racking stress
  9. Bilge keel 
  10. Keel
  11. Transom Floor
  12. Panting
  13. Pounding
  14. Flare
  15. Stress and strain
  16. Hog and sag
  17. Longitudinal and Transverse Framing system
  18. Floors
  19. Beam
  20. Beam knee
  21. Bracket
  22. Pillar 
  23. Girder
  24. Stringer plate
  25. Stealer Strake
  26. Garboard strake
  27. Flat plate keel
  28. Chain locker
  29. Corrugated bulkhead
  30. Tumbell home
  31. Structural arrangements of Gusset plate on hatch cover.
  32. Torsion stress
  33. Deck line
  34. Sheer strake
  35. With respect to propeller, describe Face, Boss, Skew and Pitch, rake.
  36. Describe various types of weld.


  1. Precautions to be taken while tank cleaning in a crude oil tanker.
  2. PPE used onboard.(click here)
  3. Permit to work(click here)
  4. Safety officer responsibilities
  5. Safety representative duties
  6. Safety committee-functions, composition,  meeting and its agenda.
  7. Explain the need for Situation and risk assessment onboard the ship, Hazard, Risk, Competent person.
  8. Prepare  detailed risk assessment as per COSWP for rigging pilot boarding arrangements including hazard identification and control measures. (heavy weather conditions also added) (in night).
  9. Prepare  detailed risk assessment as per COSWP for rigging MOT ladder.
  10. Prepare  detailed risk assessment analysis for lowering of free fall lifeboat at mid sea.
  11. Precautions to be taken onboard the ship when sand blasting on deck. 
  12. Precautions to be taken onboard the ship while working  on radar scanner. 
  13. As per COSWP, explain the steps that should be taken for Enclose space (topside tank etc) and while working at height.(working aloft).
  14. As per COSWP, Make a risk assessment, explain the steps and precautions that should be taken for painting (Funnel or ship side (draft marks)) and handling batteries 
  15. Prepare a checklist for carrying out a painting overside.
  16. Prepare a checklist for carrying out a painting inside enclose space (enclose entry procedure only).
  17. Precautions that should be taken for carrying out a Hot work inside Ballast tank adjacent to Ballast tank.
  18. How you conduct a safety familiarization of new joiners.
  19. Precaution to be taken and procedures to followed for purging and gas freeing tanks on a crude oil tanker.
  20. Procedure to fight fire in engineer room.
  21. Precaution to be taken for Embarkation of pilot and carrying out hot work onboard.
  22. Bunkering  checklist and procedure (click here)
  23. Oil spill precautions and actions
  24. Precaution to be taken for welding  (hot work precaution only) on Deck fire line 
  25. Precaution to be taken for Anchoring (click here)
  26. Precaution to be taken for Mooring operation
  27. Precaution to be take to go to fwd mast for changing the navigation light bulb in restricted visibility.
  28. Prepare Risk assessment and Precaution to be taken for duct keel inspection.
  29. Prepare  detailed risk assessment as per COSWP for working aloft including hazard identification and control measures.
  30. Enumerate weekly, monthly inspection checks for LSA and FFA equipment.
  31. Steps to taken to ensure safe working practices in galley and anchor stations.



  1. Baseline
  2. Territorial waters
  3. Innocent passage
  4. Continental shelf
  5. Exclusive economic  zone (EEZ)

Short notes and Purpose of Other Convention and Codes

  1. ISM code (Audit, DOC and SMC)
  2. Aim and Purpose of ISM code.
  3. Certificate issued as per ISM code
  4. As per ISM code, explain Designated person (DPA), Emergency preparedness, Documentation.
  5. As per ISM code, Explain objective of SMS, Near miss, Non conformity.
  6. ISM code (Objective, salient features and Functional requirement)
  7. ISPS code (Objective and Functional requirement)
  8. Content of ship security plan
  9. Declaration of security, duties of SSO.
  10. Explain different security level and action in security level 2.
  11. MLC code - salient features and  5 titles of mlc.
  12. MLC code - key requirements. 
  13. Duties and responsibilities of seafarer as per MLC 2006.
  14. Rest Hour as per STCW 1995
  15. Rest Hour as per STCW 2010 (click here)
  17. STCW code
  18. OPA 90
  19. CLC
  20. London dumping convention
  21. CSR as per ISPS code

Human Resources 

  1. Explain situation awareness and role of motivation and communication in team building. How to plan, coordinate and assign work to personnel.
  2. Advantages of team work. What are factors affecting the performance of an individual while working in team.
  3. Importance of management and fatigue
  4. What are the 6 barriers to situational awareness
  5. Write short notes on decision making.
  6. How situational awareness reduces possibility of human error
  7. Ideal qualities of a team leader
  8. Explain 1) Effective communications onboard the ship 2) Familiarization with work environment and procedures.
  9. What should be a leader's behavioral style in different situation, example with shipboard example.
  10. Do you agree that it is beneficial to be passive rather aggressive or assertive? justify your statement
  11. 4 fundamental factors that contribute towards HRM onboard.
  12. Key element of effective resource management.
  13. Describe a role of a team leader incharge of Mooring stations. Enumerate the team building initiatives that you should apply to ensure safe and efficient operations.


  1. Loadline survey requirements and item to be checked.
  2. Prepare a checklist for preparation of SEQ survey. (click here)
  3. How to prepare vessel for ISPS and ISM renewal audit (click here).


  1. List any 10 statutory certificates to be carried on a general cargo ship as mentioned in SOLAS.(click here)

Short Notes

  1. On classification society (click here)

Consolidated 2nd Cargo Paper (click here)

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