Amendments to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments,2004 (BWM convention)
1 June 2022, Adopted by MEPC 75
Concerning "COMMISSIONING TESTING" of ballast water management systems and the form of the International Ballast Water Management Certificate.
Biological commissioning testing is required after installing a ballast water treatment system (BWTS). To show that the whole installation performs as it should, an independent lab must take and analyse water samples as part of the commissioning survey. You as the shipowner are responsible, but we can help you make sure that all goes well.
The revised Guidance specifies the following items: -
The purpose of commissioning testing, sampling and analysis is to validate the installation of BWMS properly;
- Local ambient water should be used for testing regardless of the organism concentrations in the water; and
- Representative samples should be analyzed for two size classes of organisms as specified in the D-2 standard, namely,, ? 50 ?m and ? 10 ?m to < 50 ?m , using indicative analysis methods. Analysis for microbes is not required.
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