Anchoring Plan


As Anchoring is a critical operation, Master and member of bridge team shall plan the anchoring operations.

  • Bridge team meeting should be done 
  • Risk Assessment shall be carried out 
  • Company checklist  and SMS should be referred

Below points should be considered when going for Anchoring operation

  1. Approximate anchoring position.
  2. Method of approach.
  3. Which anchor (Port or stbd)
  4. Number of shackles to use.
  5. Method of anchoring to be employed.
  6. Limitations of the anchoring equipment.
  7. Length of stay at the anchorage.
  8. Water depth
  9. Nature of bottom.
  10. Available room at the anchorage.
  11. No of vessel at  anchorage.
  12. Prevailing and expected weather.
  13. Local tides and currents, their direction and strength.
  14.  Navigational warnings
  15. Areas to be avoid.
  16. Degree of shelter afforded.
  17. Proximity of land or from other dangers. 
  18. Any vessel constraints.
  19. Walkie talkie channel for communication with the anchoring party should be decided.
  20. Approach speeds and direction.
  21. Emergency and contingency situations.
  22. Any wreck or obstruction etc. noted on the charts.

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