Annex 5 of Marpol: Garbage



Garbage means all kinds of victual, domestic and operational wastes excluding fresh fish and parts thereof generated during the normal operation of the ship and liable to be disposed of continuously or periodically except those substances which are defined or listed in other annexes to the present convention.

Garbage management Plan

In 2011, IMO adopted amendments to MARPOL Annex V which require that:

  1. Every ship of 100 gross tonnage and above, and every ship certified to carry 15 or more persons and fixed or floating platforms shall carry a Garbage management plan.
  2. Every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above, and every ship certified to carry 15 or more persons engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals of another Party, and every fixed or floating platform shall be provided with a Garbage Record Book; and
  3. Every ship of 12 metres or more in length overall, and fixed or floating platforms shall display placards which notify the crew and passengers of the ship's disposal requirements of regulations 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Annex as applicable.

Category of Garbage
    Description of the garbage
    Garbage is to be grouped into categories for the purposes of recording in parts I and II of the Garbage Record Book (or ship’s official log-book) as follows:

    Garbage categories:
    Part I
    A. Plastics
    B. Food wastes
    C  Domestic wastes (e.g., paper products, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery, etc.)
    D. Cooking oil
    E. Incinerator Ashes
    F. Operational wastes
    G. Animal Carcasses
    H. Fishing gear
    I  E –waste

    Part II
    J. Cargo residues (NON HME)
    K. Cargo residue (HME)

    Content of Garbage management Plan

    1. Introduction
    2. Vessel Particular
    3. Garbage Storage Area Details and capacity
    4. Designated Person in charge of carrying out the plan
    5. Category of Garbage
    6. Color coding of Garbage drums
    7. Collection of Garbage
    8. Procedures for collection of Garbage
    9. Equipment for processing Garbage
    10. Procedures for Processing of Garbage
    11. Procedures of Storage of Garbage
    12. Procedures for Disposal of Garbage
    13. Waste minimization
    14. Training
    15. Record Keeping

    Annex 1: Flowchart for shipboard handling and discharge of garbage
    Annex 2: Simplified overview of the discharge provisions
    Annex 3: Sample of Placard
    Annex 4: Examples of calculating the expected amount of waste
    Annex 5: Form for reporting alleged inadequacy of port reception facilities for garbage
    Annex 6: Garbage Record Book (Part 1 and Part 2)
    Annex 7: Poster
    Annex 8: Garbage collection Poster

    Disposal of Controlled Drugs

    1. Expired narcotics should be properly tagged,
    2. should always be under master’s custody until disposed from vessel.
    3. Vessel shall off land these expired medicines to the lawful supplier. (approved by class/ port) 
    4. Entries of such disposals, identifying substances and quantities, are made in the Medical Log Book and the Garbage Record Book.
    5. The Master and the officers sign the entries.

    SPECIAL WASTE DISPOSAL (refer company SMS) (Batteries, Aerosols, Test Gas Cylinder, Medical / Sanitary, Chemical, Fire Heads, used or contaminated refrigerants etc.)

    1. There should be dedicated Garbage drums for special waste.
    2. Special waste drums should be painted as required by SMS and should be stenciled ‘SPECIAL WASTE’.
    3. Proper segregation should be done between different category of Garbage.
    4. Special waste has to be discharged to a shore reception facility. (refer annex -5 discharge criteria).
    5. Company  and agent should be informed for Garbage disposal
    6. Expired pyrotechnics and old LSA equipment should be kept onboard in a secure location (clearly marked as out of date) until they can be landed ashore.


    1. Ship superintendent and agent should be informed regarding garbage disposal.
    2. Whenever garbage is landed ashore a receipt/ certificate is taken from garbage company.
    3. Entries should be  in the Garbage record book (Part 1 or Part 2)
    4. Landing garbage certificate shall be attached in Garbage record book.
    5. Master shall obtain a photocopy of the certification (of the handling company) by the local authorities to handle disposal of pyrotechnics and/ or explosives.
    6. Expired pyrotechnics should never be used at sea for testing for practice purposes or used on land as fireworks.
    7. Certificate /receipt should also states that the pyrotechnic has been landed ashore for safe destruction.
    8. Any firing of distress signals in any situation other than distress is an offence.
    9. Many a times Supplier of pyrotechnics and old LSA equipment will take them back.
    10.  Supplier of pyrotechnics and old LSA equipment should be contacted as they have provision and contact to dispose special waste. 
    11.  Annex -5 discharge criteria should be complied with 

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