Content of EEXI Technical File

EEXI Technical File

Content of EEXI Technical File

1. Data

1.1 General information

1.2 Ship particular

1.3 Main Engine

1.4 Auxiliary Engine

1.5 Ship speed

2. Power curve

3. Overview of propulsion system and electric power supply system.

3.1 Propulsion system

3.1.1 Main Engine

3.1.2 Propellor.

3.2 Electric power supply system

3.2.1 Main Engine

3.2.2 Main generators.

4. Estimation process of speed- power curve.

5. Description of energy saving equipment.

5.1 Energy saving equipment the effect of which are expressed as PAEeff(i) and /or Peff(i) in the EEXI calculation formula.

5.2 Other energy saving equipment.

6. Calculated value of attained EEXI.

6.1 Basic Data

6.2 Main Engine

6.3 Auxiliary Engine

6.4 Ice Class

6.5 Innovative electrical energy efficient technology.

6.6 Innovative mechanical energy efficient technology.

6.7 Cubic capacity correction factor.

6.8 Calculated value of attained EEXI.

6.9 Required EEXI.

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