Electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS)

Ship information:     

Date /Port of inspection:

Ship name:



ECDIS information:

Equipped with ECDIS (YES: Type of ECDIS / NO)*

Class Approved (YES / NO)

ECDIS for training only (YES / NO)**

ECDIS Primary means of navigation (YES/NO)**

What is the facility for back up?**

1) Do all bridge officers have the general and type specific training for both primary ECDIS equipment and the facilities for back-up? YES/NO

2) Can the bridge officer explain what is the difference between ENC’s and RNC’s? Can he show how to access the chart directory and identify whether charts are ENC’s or RNC’s and whether they are activated? YES/NO

3) Can the bridge officer explain if there is an alarm indicating the use of ENC’s or RNC’s? YES/NO

4) Can the bridge officer show what the last update was and how to apply updates and T&P corrections? YES/NO

5) Can the bridge officer show how to put in additional information (e.g. temporary buoy or point where to call Master) YES/NO

6) Can the bridge officer show how to calculate and set the safety contour and safety depth? Can he explain/show the company’s policy on this? YES/NO

7) Can the bridge officer show how to apply parallel indexing on the ECDIS? YES/NO

8) Can the bridge officer show the previous voyage (play back), waypoint list and how to load a new route?Applies to master and chief officer STCW table A-II/2. YES/NO

9) Can the bridge officer demonstrate an understanding of turn radius and its application to ecdis passage planning, noting that plotting waypoints on an ecdis may be inland? YES/NO

10) Can the bridge officer explain which alarms ECDIS is giving and how to apply the settings? YES / NO

Additional common questions:

1) Can the bridge officer locate the user manuals for ECDIS and its back-up? YES / NO

2) Can the bridge officer locate the maintenance records and service reports and are records in accordance with the vessels PMS? YES / NO

3) Are both primary ECDIS equipment and the facilities for back-up connected to UPS? YES / NO

4) Can bridge officer locate show where the base cd’s and update cd’s are kept and which licenses are in use? YES / NO

5) Can the bridge officer show how to obtain an additional chart permit? YES / NO

Note: If any of the questions in answered with No a deficiency on lack of familiarity must be written 

However, vessels are required to have on board documentation attesting to the completion of this training by the appropriate personnel

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