Few Abbreviations related to ISM

AHTS - Anchor Handling Tug-cum-Supply Vessel

 D&A - Drug and Alcohol 

DGS - Directorate General of Shipping

DO - Designated Officer

DSS - Directorate of Shipping Service

 EMS - Environmental Management System

FC & PO - Freight and Claims & Port Operations

FPC - Fleet Personnel Crew

FPD Fleet Personnel Department

FPE - Fleet Personnel Engine

FPG - Fleet Personnel Guidelines

FPM - Fleet Personnel Marine

FSI - Flag State Inspection 

HOD - Head of Department

IMO - International Maritime Organisation

ISO - International Organisation for Standardization

ISPS - International Ship and Port Facility Security

KPI - Key Performance Indicators

LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas

LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas

MMD - Mercantile Marine Department

MLC - Maritime Labour Convention

MSA - Merchant Shipping Act

MSPC - Management Safety Policy Committee

MSV - Multi Support Vessel

MTI - Maritime Training Institute

NWKO - Navigational Watch Keeping Officer

OH&SMS - Occupational Health and Safety Management System

ONGC - Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.

OS - Offshore

OSV - Offshore Supply Vessel

OSVH - OSV Hands (Seamen)

P&A - Personnel & Administration

P&PR - Publicity & Public Relations

P&S - Purchase & Services

PSC - Port State Control

PSV - Platform Support Vessel

RO - Recognised Organisation

SB & S - Ship Building & Services

SBM - Single Buoy Mooring

SHEC - Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Committee

SMT - Safety Management Team

SO - Safety Officer on board

SOHSP - Shipboard Occupational Health and Safety Programme

SOLAS - Safety Of Life At Sea

SRC - Safety Review Committee

SSO - Ship Security Officer

SSV - Seismic Survey Vessel

STCW - Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping for Seafarers

TMSA - Tanker Management and Self Assessment

TOC - Table of Contents

TS-F - Technical Services & Fleet

UTL - Union Territory of Lakshadweep

VLCC - Very Large Crude Carrier

DOC - Document of Compliance

DPA - Designated Person Ashore

ISM - International Safety Management

NC - Non-conformity

NCR - Non-conformity Report

SMC - Safety Management Certificate

SMS - Safety Management System

STSDSD - Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties

Other useful blogs

  1. Log-book
  2. Bunkering-plan-and-precautions
  3. Passage-planning
  4. Inert-gas
  5. Critical-spare
  6. Handing-over-taking-over-Chief-mate
  7. Handing-over-taking-over-of-Master
  8. Plans and Manuals
  9. P and I clubs
  10. Classification-societies
  11. Marpol annex 5
  12. Ballast water management- exchange
  13. Marpol  ammendment 2020
  14. Marpol  ammendment 2021
  15. Marpol  ammendment 2022
  16. Marpol ammendment 2023
  17. Cargo document
  18. Contents of procedure and arrangements manual
  19. Tanker statement of fact
  20. Tanker definations
  21. Notice of readiness
  22. Sopep
  23. Drill
  24. Stowage-plan-and-loadable
  25. Work-rest-hour
  26. Alcohol-testing-is-done-onboard
  27. Duties-and-responsibilities-of-deck-cadets
  28. Bill of lading
  29. Emergency-towing-arrangement
  30. Content-of-wheel-house-poster
  31. Member-States-of-the-Prominent- MOU -on PSC
  32. Triangle-permanently-marked-at-midship-on-some-ships
  33. Guidelines-for-handling-high-viscous-molasses
  34. Content-of-contract-of-employment
  35. Master VIQ checklist
  36. Iamsar
  37. Brake-rendering-testing
  38. Ships certificates
  39. Hand-steering
  40. Air draft
  41. Ecdis
  42. GP Rating course
  43. Ship Pyrotechnics
  44. Oil-spill-preparedness
  45. Maritime-security

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