Lighting & Shape Signal plan
Lighting & Shape Signal Plan
During ship building, When a ship is supplied with lights and shapes, manufacturer sent their certificate.
As per the details given by the Manufacturer, Lights and Shape Signals Certificate is given by Ship-yard.
LSS Light and Shape Plan refers to a diagram or table that shows the arrangement and configuration of a ship's navigation lights, shapes, and sound signals. This plan is typically required by regulatory bodies such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and is an essential part of a ship's safety equipment.
Plan contains details of
- Lights (Position lights (port, starboard, stern, and masthead), Anchor lights, Masthead lights, Yard arm lights) fitted on board of as per its conductional requirements.
- Serial numbers of Navigational Nights and Shape signals and its description.
- Any subsequent lights/shapes ordered after delivery. (Balls, Cones, Cylinders, Diamonds)
Sound signals (Whistle, Foghorn, Bell)
Surveyor can ask to show LSS plan mentioned in SEQ cert.
These certificate confirms that this light has been manufactured in compliance with Rules and regulations laid by IMO under collision regulation and meeting the requirements of Section 9 of this Annex. The plan shows the location, type, and characteristics of each light, shape, and sound signal, as well as the angles and sectors in which they are visible. This information is critical for ensuring compliance with navigation rules and regulations, and for maintaining safe navigation and communication at sea.