Oil Spill Preparedness


Pollution Prevention 

Oil Spill Preparedness 

  1. IMO Coastal Contact List should be available and a print out is put in SOPEP/SMPEP
  2. Shipboard Oil/Marine Pollution Emergency Plan should include a equipment inventory, description, their location and duties of specific crew member.
  3.  Oil Spill Drill should be carried out to improve preparedness of crew as per drill planner and should be recorded.
  4.  Shipboard Oil/Marine Pollution Emergency Plan should be approved by Competent authority 
  5. Date of last Annual Review of SOPEP/SMPEP
  6. Condition of scupper plugs should be satisfactory 
  7. Scuppers should be effectively plugged
  8. An inventory and inspection checklist posted in each fire and SOPEP/SMPEP locker
  9.  A USCG approved Vessel Response Plan (VRP) should be available onboard if vessel is going\will to USA.
  10.  Name of the OPA-90 Qualified Individual (QI) as required by VRP should be available
  11. QI Drill should be carried  between ship and QI company as per drill planner and should be recorded.
  12.  Vessel should be having means readily available for dealing with small oil spills.
  13. Vessel should be free from any visible bulkhead, valve or pipeline leakage liable to cause pollution
  14. Cargo system sea and overboard valves should be suitably blanked
  15. Prior to commencement of cargo Transfer, Cargo system sea and overboard valves should be thoroughly checked to ensure that they are fully closed.
  16. Testing arrangements for cargo sea suction valves are fitted, and is in good order and regularly monitored for leakage
  17. Adequate manifold spill containers, drip tray and gratings should be  in place under the cargo manifolds, fitted with suitable drainage arrangements (wilden pump should be fitted in drip tray to transfer content into a cargo tank)
  18. Deck air should always be running for use of  wilden pump in emergency
  19.  Wilden pumps  are working properly & earthed to the ships structure and secured properly
  20. Cargo and Bunker pipelines tested is annually and 1.5 times once in 2.5 years.
  21.  All unused cargo and bunker pipeline manifolds fully bolted
  22. All drains and vents and unused gauge stems, suitably blanked or capped
  23.  Are suitable spill containers fitted around all fuel, diesel and lubricating oil tank vents
  24.  Is a suitable containment fitted around hydraulic and other deck machinery
  25. Pump room bilge high level alarms is  tested regularly and the results are recorded
  26. Are adequate arrangements provided for pipeline draining and the disposal of pump room bilge accumulations
  27.  ODME & Printer working properly and is there evidence of recent testing
  28. Testing of ODME is recorded in ORB Part- 2
  29.  If the ODME has not been operational, was the fact recorded in the Oil Record Book Part- 2
  30.  Ballast water and sediments management plan available
  31. Is  Ballast water and sediments management plan approved 
  32. Records are being maintained of all ballast water exchanges.
  33. Records should be there if ballast water exchanges was not conducted.
  34. Segregated ballast  should be checked prior to deballasting, it should be free from oil, and an entry should be made in log book.
  35. Engine room bilge oily water pumping and disposal arrangements is checked and is  in good order.
  36. Is emergency bilge pumping arrangements ready for immediate use;
  37. Emergency bilge suction should be  clearly identified and, where fitted, is the emergency overboard discharge valve provided with a notice warning against accidental opening
  38.  Dedicated sludge pumps free from any connection to a direct overboard discharge
  39. Oily water separator is in good order
  40. Specific warning Notices\Poster posted to safeguard against the accidental opening of the overboard discharge valve from the oily water separator
  41. Oily water separator is not fitted with an automatic stopping device, do entries in the Oil Record Book Part 1 indicate that it has not been used in a Special Area
  42. Arrangements for the disposal of steering compartment oily bilge water adequate
  43. Does Vessel have a garbage management plan and garbage record book
  44. Garbage record book is being correctly filled.
  45. There should be adequate garbage storage and disposal facilities
  46. Are the correct items being incinerated/landed as per SMS
  47. Is SEEMP is approved and when it is review
  48. Dump valves to contain fitted for oil pollution fitted to SLOP tank is working satisfactory and tested prior arrival port.

Other useful blogs

  1. Plans and Manuals
  2. P and I clubs
  3. Classification-societies
  4. Marpol annex 5
  5. Ballast water management- exchange
  6. Marpol  ammendment 2020
  7. Marpol  ammendment 2021
  8. Marpol  ammendment 2022
  9. Marpol ammendment 2023
  10. Cargo document
  11. Contents of procedure and arrangements manual
  12. Tanker statement of fact
  13. Tanker definations
  14. Notice of readiness
  15. Sopep
  16. Drill
  17. Stowage-plan-and-loadable
  18. Work-rest-hour
  19. Alcohol-testing-is-done-onboard
  20. Duties-and-responsibilities-of-deck-cadets
  21. Bill of lading
  22. Emergency-towing-arrangement
  23. Content-of-wheel-house-poster
  24. Member-States-of-the-Prominent- MOU -on PSC
  25. Triangle-permanently-marked-at-midship-on-some-ships
  26. Guidelines-for-handling-high-viscous-molasses
  27. Content-of-contract-of-employment
  28. Master VIQ checklist
  29. Iamsar
  30. Brake-rendering-testing
  31. Ships certificates
  32. Hand-steering
  33. Air draft
  34. Ecdis
  35. GP Rating course
  36. Ship Pyrotechnics

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