Pest/ Rodent Precautions

Onboard Pest/ Rodent Precautions

  1. Accommodation should be kept clean.
  2. Housekeeping helps in controlling pests and rodents onboard.
  3. Ratguards should be used on mooring, when in port.
  4. Fumigation can be done to control infestation.
  5. When receiving provision, food cartons should be disposed off "ASAP". There should be no insects, flyies over it.
  6. Galley should be cleaned frequently.
  7. Master and chief officer should take frequent rounds of  accommodation and crew cabins.
  8. Crew should report if there is bedbugs in their cabin.
  9. When carrying dangerous cargo, IMDG Code and its supplement should be referred as a precautions before and while carrying out pest control on board.
  10. Industry guidelines, publications, company circular should be referred wrt use of pesticides on board.

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