Standard Publications

Standard Publications 

Below is the List of Publication which should be maintained onboard.

Company Publication list should be referred

International Chamber of Shipping

  1. Perils at Sea & Salvage, A Guide for Masters
  2. Bridge Procedures Guide 
  3. Vessel inspection questionnaire for bulk/oil/chemical carriers and gas carriers
  4. Guide to Helicopter Ship Operations
  5. Ship to Ship Transfer Guide for Petroleum, Chemicals & Liquefied Gases


  1. Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP)
  2. Crude Oil Washing Systems
  3. Medical First Aid Guide for use in Accidents involving Dangerous Goods
  4. International Code of Signals
  5. International Convention on Load Line
  6. International Safety Management (ISM) Code with Guidelines 
  7. Master Pocket Guide for Cold Water Survival
  8. SOLAS 1974
  9. International Medical Guide for Ships 

Nautical Institute 

  1. Mariner’s Role in Collecting Evidence

Merchant Shipping Act

  1. The Merchant Shipping Act 1958 (as amended)
  2. Master Safety Notices (M & MS Notices) 
  3. Merchant Shipping (Distress and Safety Radio Communication) Rules 1995


  1. ISO 9001:2015 – Guidelines for implementation of Quality Management System
  2. ISO 14001:2015 – Guidelines for implementation of Environment Management System
  3. ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems


  1. Effective Mooring 
  2. Prevention of Oil Spillage through Cargo Pump Room Sea Valves 
  3. Clean Seas Guide for Oil Tankers, Retention of Oil Residues on Board
  4. Guideline for handling, storage, inspection & testing of hoses in the field
  5. Mooring Equipment Guideline
  6. Tanker Management & Self Assessment
  7. Drugs and Alcohol on board Ships
  8. International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers & Terminals (ISGOTT)
  9. Recommendations for Oil and Chemical Tankers Manifolds 

Other Publications

  1. P&I Club Hand Book 
  2. Procedure for Port State Control 
  3. Supplement to IMDG Code GEN 26
  4. Ship Captain’s Medical Guide – HMSO GEN 28 Master
  5. STCW 1995 including 2010 amendments GEN 30 Master
  6. IAMSAR Vol. III 
  7. Guide to Port Entry
  8. Life Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code) 
  9. Fire Safety System Code (FSS Code)
  10. Norie’s Nautical Tables 
  11. Inert Gas Systems 
  12. Petroleum Measurement Tables – ASTM Tables
  13. GCC Rules (for Gulf going Tankers)
  14. Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen
  15. Mariner’s Handbook
  16. Collision Regulations, 1972 (as amended)
  17. MARPOL 73/78
  18. Ships Routeing 
  19. BA Load Line Zones 
  20. Guide to Maritime Security and the ISPS Code (ISPS Code)
  21. ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006.

Other useful blogs

  1. Emergency-generator
  2. CO2 System
  3. Checklist-for-handing-over-taking-over-of-second-mate
  4. Pipeline-and-valves
  5. Initial-certificate
  6. Calibration-of-ship-equipment
  7. Breathing-air-compressor
  8. Meteorology-phase-1
  9. Letter-of-protest
  10. Cargo-document
  11. Working-aloft-permit
  12. Hot-work-permit-and-precautions
  13. Enclose-space-entry-procedure
  14. Emergency-shut-down-button
  15. Initial-certificate
  16. Calibration-of-ship-equipment
  17. Breathing-air-compressor
  18. Log-book
  19. Bunkering-plan-and-precautions
  20. Passage-planning
  21. Inert-gas
  22. Critical-spare
  23. Handing-over-taking-over-Chief-mate
  24. Handing-over-taking-over-of-Master
  25. Plans and Manuals
  26. P and I clubs
  27. Classification-societies
  28. Marpol annex 5
  29. Ballast water management- exchange
  30. Marpol  ammendment 2020
  31. Marpol  ammendment 2021
  32. Marpol  ammendment 2022
  33. Marpol ammendment 2023
  34. Cargo document
  35. Contents of procedure and arrangements manual
  36. Tanker statement of fact
  37. Tanker definations
  38. Notice of readiness
  39. Sopep
  40. Drill
  41. Stowage-plan-and-loadable
  42. Work-rest-hour
  43. Alcohol-testing-is-done-onboard
  44. Duties-and-responsibilities-of-deck-cadets
  45. Bill of lading
  46. Emergency-towing-arrangement
  47. Content-of-wheel-house-poster
  48. Member-States-of-the-Prominent- MOU -on PSC
  49. Triangle-permanently-marked-at-midship-on-some-ships
  50. Guidelines-for-handling-high-viscous-molasses
  51. Content-of-contract-of-employment
  52. Master VIQ checklist
  53. Iamsar
  54. Brake-rendering-testing
  55. Ships certificates
  56. Hand-steering
  57. Air draft
  58. Ecdis
  59. GP Rating course
  60. Ship Pyrotechnics
  61. Oil-spill-preparedness
  62. Maritime-security

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