Tanker Definitions

Tanker Definitions

Ballast: Water taken on board when a vessel is empty or partially loaded/discharged to increase draught so that the propeller is fully immersed, stability and trim are maintained, and stresses minimised. 

Segregated ballast: Ballast that is contained in dedicated ballast tanks serviced by dedicated ballast pumps and lines with no permanent connection to the cargo system

Heavy weather ballast: Additional ballast loaded into cargo tanks to enable the vessel to maintain a safe sea-going condition under extreme weather conditions

Clingage: Material which adheres to the surfaces of tank walls and structures, both horizontal and vertical, within empty and part empty tanks, other than bottom surfaces

Crude oil washing (COW):  the use of a high pressure stream of the crude oil cargo to dislodge or dissolve clingage and sediments from the bulkheads, bottom and internal tank structures of a vessel during the discharge operation

IMO:  International Maritime Organization

ISGINTT: International Safety Guide for Inland Navigation Tank-barges and Terminals

ISGOTT: International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

Persistent oil:  the International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Fund guidelines consider an oil as non-persistent if, at time of shipment, at least 50 % of the hydrocarbon fractions, by volume, distil at a temperature of 340 ºC and at least 95 % of the hydrocarbon fractions, by volume, distil at a temperature of 370 ºC when tested in accordance with ASTM D86. A persistent oil is one which does not meet these criteria

Pour point: the lowest temperature at which a sample of petroleum product will continue to flow when it is cooled under specified standard conditions 

Purging: the introduction of inert gas into a tank already in an inert condition with the object of further reducing the existing oxygen content and/or the existing gas content to a level below which combustion cannot be supported if air is subsequently introduced into a tank

Remaining on board (ROB): sum of measured liquid volume, including free water, and measured non-liquid volume but excluding vapours, in cargo tanks on completion of discharge

SOLAS: International convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea

Stripping: the removal of the final contents of a cargo tank, possibly using equipment additional to the main cargo pumps

Trim: the difference between the fore and aft draught of the vessel. When the aft draught is greater than the forward draught, the vessel is said to be trimmed 'by the stern'. When the aft draught is less than the forward draught, the vessel is said to be trimmed 'by the head' 

True vapour pressure(TVP): the absolute pressure exerted by the gas produced by evaporation from a liquid, when the gas and liquid are in equilibrium at the prevailing temperature

Viscosity: a measurement of a fluid's resistance to flow at a prescribed temperature. The unit of Kinematic Viscosity is the centistoke (cSt) has been used which is equivalent to mm²/s.

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