Q.1 Decode the following report:
BBXX ATVH 10123 99408 30492 41398 62828 10143 20082
40084 56028 76364 84364 22234 00175 20808 302// 41006
AAXX 06183 43057 41798 53628 10324 20208 40069 51042 71682 83262 222// 00282 20606 324// 41008.
Ans- AAXX- Report from a land station
YYGGiw GMT 06d 18h.
0 6 1 8 3- Wind speed estimated in knots
ll i i i- ll-43 means India, South of latitude
43057- 20°N. iii-057 means Bombay (colaba). In cases where a student does not know which particular area or station is indicated by lliii, he may state as follows:
ll 43- Regional Block Number .iii 057-station number (ALRS 4)
irixhVV Precipitation group not sent.
4 1 798 Manned station. Group 7wwW1W2 is included. Base of lowest cloud 1500- 2000 metres Above sea. Visibility 20 km.
Nddff- Total cloud 5/8 of sky.
53628- Wind direction from north, estimated at 28 knots.
1SnTTT- Air Temperature+ 32.4°C.
10 324
2SnTdTdTd- Dew point temperature + 20.8°C
20 2 0 8
4PPPP Atmospheric pressure 1006.9mb.
5appp Barograph trace ; Tendency
51042 (+) 04.2mb.
7ww W1 W2 Present weather: Rain in sight near, but not on, ship.
716 8 2: Past weather :showers of rain ; cloud covering more than half sky throughout the Appropriate period.
8NnCL CM CH Low cloud 3/8 of sky . Cu of
83 2 6 2 Moderate or strong vertical extent. Medium cloud : Ac formed by the spreading out of Cu or Cb. High Cloud: Dense Ci.
222DsVs No course or speed –Land station.
222 / /
oSnTwTwTw- Sea temperature + 28.2°C.
00 2 8 2
2PwPwHwHw- Sea period :06 seconds ;
20 6 0 6- Height: 03 Metres.
3dw1dw1dw2dw2- First swell from 240°.
32 4 / / - No second swell
4Pw1Pw1Hw1Hw1- First swell: period 10 seconds,
41 0 0 8 - Height 04 meters .
Q.3 Code the following ships report.
Ship : 3FRK ,position :27 °35’N 98°29’W, Course made good last three hours : 320°at 15 knots, visibility : 20km, wind :240°estimated at 16 knots, pressure : 1026.8mb,Tendency :+6.4mb,Barograph trace: GMT:08d 06h 10m.
Temperature :Dry 28.5 °C, Wet 23.0°C, Sea 20.6°C.clouds :Total 6/8 sky , low clouds 4/8 sky ,base 1000 metres above sea ,Sc not resulting from Cu, Dense Ns, Ci in hooks progressively invading sky.
Weather: present precipitation near but not at station. Past –cloud covering more than ½ sky throughout and intermittent drizzle.
Sea: Period 08 seconds ,height 01 metre. Swell: From 050°,period 10 seconds, height 02 metres.
Ans- First copy down the groups from the weather code book. Then fill in the numbers under each code Letter as appropriate.
BBXX D………D YYGGiw 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo
BBXX 3FRK 0 8 0 63 99 2 7 5 7 0 9 8 4
IRixhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 4PPPP
41698 62416 10 2 8 5 20 2 0 8 40268
5appp 7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH 222DsVs
52064 71652 84524 22273
0SnTwTwTw 2PwPwHwHw 3dw1dw1dw2dw2
00 2 0 6 20 8 0 2 30 5 / /
41 0 0 4
Q.4 Code the following ships report
Ship: VHAN, Position : 00°05’N 46°58’E, Course made good past three hours :170° at 10 knots, GMT :16d 00h 20m,Wind : 052° estimated at 10 knots. Visibility :500 metres , pressure 1008.8mb, Tendency + 3.6mb, Barograph trace : Temperature :Dry 28.5°C,Wet 23.0°C ,Sea 20.6°C. Clouds: Sky overcast with a few blue patches. Low clouds 4 oktas , base 600 metres above sea, Cu of strong vertical extent , Ac in a chaotic sky,Cc. Present weather : visibility poor due to dust in suspension in the air, NOT raised by wind at or near ship. Past weather :Thick haze, thunder storm. Sea :Period 04 seconds , height 0.4 metres. Swell :From 270°,period 08 seconds , height 04m.
Ans- BBXX D…D YYGGiw 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo
BBXX VHAN 1 6 0 0 3 99 0 0 0 1 0 4 6 9
IRixhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 4PPPP 5appp 7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH
41593 70510 10 2 8 5 20 2 0 8 40088 50306 7 06 94 84 2 9 9
222DsVs 0SnTwTwTw 2PwPwHwHw 3dw1dw1dw2dw2 4Pw1Pw1Hw1Hw1
2224 2 00 2 0 6 20 4 0 1 32 7 / / 40 8 0 8
Q5. Code the following weather report using SHIP’S WEATHER CODE 1982:
Call sign: VQQG, Position: 00° 01’N 179° 55’E, Course made good: 179°T, Speed: 14.5 knots, Time: 12d 18h 30m GMT, Wind: 048°T estimated 12 kts, Visibility: 1km, Pressure: 1003.5 mb, Tendency: +2.3 mb, Trace shows pressure increasing steadily at first and then steady, Temperature: Dry 32.0°C, Wet 27.5°C, Sea 19.5°C, Clouds covering 5/8th of the sky, Low clouds 3 oktas with base 500 meters above sea, Cu of strong vertical extent, Ac in a chaotic sky, Cc also present, Present weather: Visibility poor due to dust not raised at or near the station, Past weather: Thick haze, thunderstorms, Sea: Period 08 seconds, Height 0.5 meters, Swell: Direction 170°T, Period 10 seconds, Height 2.0 meters.
Ans- BBXX D…D YYGGiw 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo iRiXhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 4PPPP
BBXX VQQG 12183 99000 11799 41494 50512 10320 20261 40035
5appp 7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH 222DsVs 0SnTwTwTw 2PwPwHwHw
51023 70694 83299 22243 00195 20801
3dw1dw1dw2dw2 4Pw1Pw1Hw1Hw1 5Pw2Pw2Hw2Hw2
317// 41004 5////
Q.6.On 4th February / 1206 GMT Ship in position 45º 30’N 58º 03’W observes following weather, encode her report:
Call sign VTAB
Course in last 3 hrs 300º T speed: 13kts. Visibility 4 miles
Wind 267º T x Force 7 (Lower limit), Sea waves ht 3.5m period 07 seconds
Pressure: 1002 .2 mb, same as three hours ago, Baro-trace: ∩
Temperature: air (-) 7.2 C, dew (-) 8.9º C, sea (+) 01º C
Clouds: Overcast with some blue patches, height of lowest cloud: 2000m.
Stratocumulus covering 3/8th of sky, also present Altostratus, Cirrus progressively covering the sky
Weather: Present – continuous slight snow, Past – continuous sleet, Slight ice formation observed on deck due to sea spray & building up slowly on forward deck, Present ice thickness on deck about 2cm. Vessel in recently formed sea ice with uniform concentration of less than 3/8th of area, Ship easily navigating through sea ice & sea ice conditions remaining same
Ans- BBXX D…D YYGGiw 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo
BBXX VTAB 04123 99455 70580
IRixhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 4PPPP 5appp 7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH
41896 72728 11072 21089 40022 50000 77177 83514
222DsVs 0SnTwTwTw 2PwPwHwHw 3dw1dw1dw2dw2 6IsEsEsRs CiSibiDizi
22273 00010 20707 3//// 61021 20092
Q.7. Code the following report:
Ship’s VW5YA Position 18º 41.8N 068º 24.5’E, Course made good SW’ly, Speed 16.0 knots, December 12, 1800 UTC, Wind: 166º (T) Estimated @ 15 knots, Sky overcast, Visibility 500 m, Pressure 1004.6 hpa, tendency –2.7 hpa decreasing steadily, Temperature as per whirling psychrometer 32.2º C and 27.6º C, Sea temp 25.2º C, Low clouds, 3 oktas, Base of lowest cloud 200m above sea. Present weather: Visibility poor due to haze, Past weather: Haze, Sea: Period 08s, ht 1.3m, Swell: from 4 points on the port bow, period 9s, height 1.4m.
Ans- BBXX D…D YYGGiw 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo
BBXX VW5YA 12183 99186 10684
IRixhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 4PPPP 5appp 7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH
41393 81715 10322 20262 40046 57027 70544 83///
222DsVs 0SnTwTwTw 2PwPwHwHw 3dw1dw1dw2dw2 4Pw1Pw1Hw1Hw1
22254 00252 20803 318// 40903
Q8. Code the following weather observations taken on a vessel at 1750 IST on 4th January, when the vessel was at 50º 12’N 030º 17’W:
Ship: ATGV, wind speed estimated at 42 knots
Height of the base of the lowest cloud is 300 meters
Horizontal visibility is 0.21 nautical miles
The sky is fully covered by clouds
The wind is blowing from 090º (T)
Air temperature is + 7.5º C, Dew point temperature is + 7.2º C
Barometric pressure is 995.2 hpa, The barometer has fallen steadily in the last 3 hour decreasing by 2.1 hpa.
There is intermittent moderate rain (not freezing) at the time of observation, vessel experienced drizzle and rain since 1150 IST
A layer of nimbostratus clouds covers the sky
The ship’s course is 270º and speed 14 knots.
The sea temperature (measured by intake) is + 7.0º C
Sea waves are estimated to be 5m high, with a period of 10 seconds, the swell waves are coming from 180º (T), height 4m, period 16 seconds
The wet bulb temperature is + 7.4º C
Ans- BBXX D…D YYGGiw 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo
BBXX ATGV 04123 99502 70302
IRixhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 4PPPP
41492 80942 10075 20072 49952
5appp 7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH
57021 76265 8802/
222DsVs 0SnTwTwTw 2PwPwHwHw
22263 00070 21010
3dw1dw1dw2dw2 (318//) 4Pw1Pw1Hw1Hw1 (41608) 5////
Q.9 Code the following ship’s full reports, using the Ship’s weather code 1982:
Date and GMT : 4 May 1993, 1800 GMT; Call sign : ABCDE
Ship’s position : 52° 42’N, 20° 30’W
Ship’s course/speed : 180°T x 15 knots
Wind : 080°T, speed 9 knots estimated
Weather : Cloudless, No significant phenomenon.
Visibility : 8.8 nautical miles
Barometric pressure : 1020.3 mbs
Barometric tendency : Incr then incr more slowly, Changed 0.4 mb in last 3 hrs.
Air temperature : +14.3°C
Dew point temp : +6.8°C
Sea temperature : +13.0°C
Sea waves : Period 4 seconds; Height 0.8 metre.
Swell : Dir. 130°T; Period 6 seconds; Height 1.5 metres.
Ans- BBXX D…D YYGGiw 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo
BBXX ABCDE 04183 99527 70205
IRixhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 4PPPP
42997 00809 10143 20068 40203
5appp 7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH
51004 80000
222DsVs 0SnTwTwTw 2PwPwHwHw
22243 00130 20402
3dw1dw1dw2dw2 4Pw1Pw1Hw1Hw1
313// 40603
Q.10 Code the following ship’s full reports, using the Ship’s weather code 1982:
Date and GMT : 20 April 1982, 1200 GMT, Call Sign ABCD
Ship’s position : 50° 38’N, 24° 40’W
Ship’s course/speed : 270°T/10 knots
Wind : 090°T, speed 10 knots from anemometer
Present weather : Continuous slight rain
Past weather : Continuous rain
Cloud : Overcast sky, lowest cloud 600 m, 6/8 stratus in continuous sheet, 2/8 altostratus which is semi-transparent, High cloud not visible
Visibility : 3 nautical miles
Barometric pressure : 1004.7 mb
Barometric tendency : Steadily decreased 2.5 mb in last 3 hours.
Air temperature : +13.8°C
Dew point temp : +13.3°C
Sea temperature : +14.2°C
Sea waves : Period 4 seconds; Height 1.5 meters.
Swell : Dir. 230°T; Period 10 seconds; Height 2 meters.
Ans- BBXX D…D YYGGiw 99LaLaLa QcLoLoLoLo
BBXX ABCD 20124 99506 70246
IRixhVV Nddff 1SnTTT 2SnTdTdTd 4PPPP 5appp 7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH
41596 80920 10138 20133 40047 57025 76166 8661/
222DsVs 0SnTwTwTw 2PwPwHwHw 3dw1dw1dw2dw2 4Pw1Pw1Hw1Hw1
22262 00142 20403 323// 41004
Q.11 Decode the following weather report using SHIP’S WEATHER CODE 1982:
BBXX ATVX 03003 99355 11559 41593
70510 10285 20208 40088 53036 70694
84299 22242 00206 20401 327// 40808
BBXX : Report from a ship station
D…D : Call sign ATVX
YYGGiw : GMT 03d 00h, wind speed estimated in knots
99LaLaLa : Position
99355 Lat 35°30’ North
QcLoLoLoLo Long 155° 54’ East
IRixhVV: 41593
Nddff :70510
1SnTTT : Air Temp +28.5°C
2SnTdTdTd : Dew point Temp +20.8°C
4PPPP : Atmospheric Pressure 1008.8 mb
5appp : Tendency +3.6mb ( \_/ ) Atm pressure decreasing or steady, then increasing
7wwW1W2 8NhCLCMCH 222DsVs
70694 84299 22242
0SnTwTwTw : Sea Temp +20.6°C
2PwPwHwHw 3dw1dw1dw2dw2 4Pw1Pw1Hw1Hw1
20401 327// 40808