Why Tropical revolving storm speed increases after recurve?

Why Tropical revolving storm speed increases after recurve?

As the tropical revolving storm forms in 5 to 20 deg latitude North and South of equator.

TRS moves in West North West and North westerly direction in Northern Hemisphere and in West South West and south westerly direction in Southern Hemisphere. It's initially speed is about  12 knots.

Somewhere along the path, TRS curve in Northerly direction in Northern Hemisphere and Southerly direction in southern Hemisphere. Then it recurve in North easterly direction in Northern Hemisphere and South easterly direction in Southern Hemisphere.

Trs curve and recurve towards oceanic high situated at around 30 degrees North and south of equator.

Let's take a example of Northern Hemisphere.

As you know that at 30 degree North, there is a High and there is a low at 60 degree North.

As wind below from High to low.

As Winds which blow from 30 degree North to 60 degree North are know as Westerlies.

There are named westerlies because the going are West to East.

After recurving due to the effect of westerlies, the speed of the tropical revolving storm increases.

As westerlies are going in direction of West to east and after recurving TRS are also going in direction of North easterly direction.

Which adds to the speed of Tropical revolving storm.

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